"For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace"

Monday, June 30, 2014

our gender reveal video :)

Intentions. I have intended to blog on so many different things recently including our house, deeper still, life, etc. I still do intend to, really I do.

About a week ago we found out the gender of our baby. We were going to be out of town that weekend with Seth's family on a little vacation, and leaving the afternoon we found out, so we wanted to come up with a fun but travel friendly & quick idea to announce the gender.

We had a pretty good idea of the gender based on how I was feeling and a slightly earlier ultrasound but still we weren't positive. Obviously we were excited and really just thankful either way.

So here is the video we sent to my family and the way we told Seth's family later that evening :)

I hadn't taken any pregnancy photos yet, time has honestly flown with this one. This picture is actually almost a couple weeks old as i'm almost 21 weeks now but it gives me something to document :) 

And for fun, here is a video of Gracie from recently. She's at a SUPER fun and yet SUPER (and ever growing) challenging age (18 months). I love that girl!