"For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace"

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

music and migraines

All things work together for good, right? That must include the ongoing, never-ending, no-relief-in-sight migraine that woke us up at 330am. (fyi...you'll notice a little dramatic topping). 6:10am came, when I usually get up to get ready for work but there was no convincing my head of that idea. Initially I thought, "I can't miss work, I will be fine"...so I attempt to climb out of bed and head to the bathroom when my head screamed "don't you dare". so I gave in and attempted to sleep away the pain. Why do I tell you all of this grumbling information? because without this migraine, I would not have been able to be a couch potato all day and dwell on God's goodness. In spite of the "don't make sudden movements" and "don't think to hard" restrictions, my "sick day" has been an amazing blessing. I've been sitting here in pretty much the same spot all day and have been listening to song after song. I love it, my soul needed it, my heart is filled by it. Music speaks to me like nothing else. A song, if it clicks with my heart, can send me to a place in my imagination where anything is possible! A song has a way of connecting emotions and feelings to ideas. You can pick how you want to feel based on certain songs. It's sort of like an escape, a vacation, a strength, a ray of light, a possibility, a pick where-you-want-to-be or what-you-want-to-do-someday dream. But then eventually the song ends. If only I could remember the way my heart beats and leaps during the song when it's over, but sometimes I forget. And so I play it again.

Seth recently bought me a CD by Starfield. This song is called "The Saving One".
When I listen to the part below, I'm filled with an energizing strength from God.

Here's a link for the video on YouTube.

"No fear can hold me down,
Nor darkness steal my joy,
For blood has been poured out,
the enemy destroyed.
Death could not hold him down,
the cross was not enough
to steal away His throne

I love these verses of the song specifically. They remind me that i'm freed from anything that could possibly steal my joy or hold me frozen in fear of something. All because HE IS GOD.

Thanks for listening to my grumbling :). Until next time, don't stop singing...


  1. Ang, I get migraines too....they are SO AWFUL. I feel like they debilitate me and make it SO hard to function! I'm glad your soul was refreshed as a result of your pounding head...Love you.

  2. i'm so glad i found your blog. i need to add it to my side bar! i can't wait ti see how God grows you guys through this whole experience in your lives! LOVE YOU GUYS!!
