"For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace"

Thursday, September 29, 2011


In case you are in need of a date night or an activity this weekend, I highly advise going to see the movie, Courageous. The movie comes out in theatres this Friday, the 30th. We had the awesome opportunity to preview this movie out in Colorado this summer & we were very impressed. The message that this movie delivers is multifaceted- it calls men to “walk in courageous faith and do what God has called us to do, specifically as fathers and men” (Alex Kendrick- director) as well as delivers the message of Jesus Christ. Also, ladies, it's not just a movie for men- it's an all around family focused movie as well! This movie is produced by the same people that produced Fireproof. I've attached a couple links so you can read more about the movie as well as listen to a FamilyLife Today radio program interviewing the producer & director of this movie.

To read more about the film: http://www.familylife.com/site/apps/nlnet/content.aspx?c=dnJHKLNnFoG&b=6196501&ct=11231017&notoc=1
To listen to the radio show: http://www.familylife.com/site/c.dnJHKLNnFoG/b.6235823/k.809F/FamilyLife_Today.htm?fromhp=TopNavAudio
To check out the movie's website: http://www.courageousthemovie.com/ 

If you're saying to yourself, "I am going to wait until it comes out on video" or "I want to wait until I hear what other people think of it before I see it" PLEASE consider this: Opening weekend (this weekend) is crucial to the life of this film. Currently this weekend the movie will open in 1,000 theatres around the country...IF enough people go watch the movie on opening weekend (this weekend), then the film with spread to over thousands more theatres & that many more people will have the opportunity to hear the Truth! Plus, it's just a good movie & you won't be disappointed :). Have a great weekend!

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