"For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace"

Friday, January 13, 2012

stop & listen.

Do you ever have one of those moments where God just stops you in the middle of your thinking and says, "Ang (or insert your name here) will you stop...and just listen to me"? Today I was doing one of my favorite things- taking a walk on a bright blue sky day & listening to my music. For me, it is a time where I can think, process, wonder, question, feel, figure out and just be. Sometimes my mind is too loud for me to actually hear what I'm listening to. Today was one of those times...too busy figuring out mine & the world's problems to hear. All of a sudden it felt like someone turned off my thoughts & turned on the speakers in my ears to hear this song that was playing....called- After All [Holy] by David Crowder Band..it's a song on their newest & last CD. (see link & lyrics below). It's truly a worship song. It will just make you want to stop what you're doing, throw up your arms in the air & simply & gloriously worship. As I was listening to it, God said to me "Ang, though I care SO MUCH about everything you're trying to figure out & think about....do you think any of it is going to matter a single ounce when you are standing around my throne in heaven with all the angelic creatures and the millions of others singing "Holy, Holy, Holy!"??? Whammmm....talk about a new perspective. It was so sweet & so good. I love moments with God like that, when through His love for me- He invites me to see things in a different light, a light that sees beyond the temporary & into the eternal.

After All [Holy]- David Crowder Band- Youtube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?

Verse 1
I can't comprehend
Your infinitely beautiful
and perfect love
Oh, I've dreamed dreams
of majesty as brilliant as
a billion stars

Pre-Chorus 1
But they're never bright enough
After all

You are holy
Oh holy
Holy, holy, holy

Verse 2
I will sing a song
for You my God
with everything I have in me

Pre-Chorus 2
But it's never loud enough
After all


Heaven and earth are full
Full of Your glory, Your glory
My soul it overflows
Full of Your glory, Your glory
Oh, blessed is He who reigns
Full of Your glory, Your glory
My cup it can't contain
All of Your glory, Your glory
Hosanna, we are found
After all You are


I can't comprehend
Your infinitely beautiful

On another note, I have a million and ten other things I want to blog about but i'll get to them, eventually, haha...maybe! I'll post some Christmas pictures from our trip soon!!

1 comment:

  1. Ang!! I miss you so much! Thanks for this post! Very encouraging!!

    Tracy B
