"For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace"

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

I am SO excited!

I. am. SO. excited.

My heart is literally pumping. Well, obviously. But in an adrenaline-induced sort of way.

This post is actually probably premature and being written against all wisdom in the possibility of not even happening.

But I can't help it. My mind is whirling. My heart is beating.

When we were making plans to move from Little Rock to Illinois one of the things that was UNBELIEVABLY hard to leave was PATH. I've written about it before but it is a Human Trafficking organization that is providing a safe home & recovery program for survivors who have been trafficked.

God put this vision on my heart a few months ago and I really really really wanted it to happen. I'm not usually great at follow through with ideas. I tend to be a dreamer who comes up with lofty ideas but doesn't know how to execute them or really, if they are even realistic. But this one has stuck. And I reeeeally want it to happen.

Here it is: I want to fly up the founder of PATH, Louise Allison, and have her share her testimony and share about trafficking and PATH. God has done and is doing incredible things through this ministry. Her testimony is so powerful and God's redemption is miraculous. It will be an incredible evening. I am sure of it. Because if God wants this to happen, He will do awesome things through it. For justice. For redemption. And for His glory.

We've started the planning process. And as long as the doors keep opening we will keep walking.

My heart is to spread awareness of Human Trafficking and to get others involved. To raise money for this incredible ministry that God is using in incredible ways.

I want to be a part of taking back what the enemy has stolen.

Please pray with us and jump on board- we need your help! If you're interested in helping, message or call me.

I'll be posting more information soon!

Please listen to this song...it's my heart behind this.

Check out PATH's website: http://pathsaves.org/

Check out PATH's facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/partnersagainsttraffickinghumans

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